martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Let's talk about idioms


An idiom is a phrase which has a different meaning from the meaning of its components. The words which are used give some clues, but usually the meaning is totally different, this is the reason why idioms are considered so tricky for students who are not native speakers.


Find the meaning:

"He's like a cat amoung the pigeons"

"To jack up the prices"

"Full of beans"

"I ' ll be a monkey' s uncle"

"To chip in"

"To cook the books"

"To blow the a raspberry"

You must take into account that there is not an easy way to learn idioms.

Learning is fun! What if we play games?

Have you ever played computer games? Have you ever been in a car race? 

This is your chance to learn new idiomatic expressions while you are taking part in a rally! Please, click the link and start having fun!


1. Click the link: idiomatic expressions-rally

2. Choose the number of teams and a name for each team.

You should play with your classmates. Fun is guaranteed!

3. Answer the questions. Each right question gives you points.

4. Once you have finished playing, comment your score and the question you found the most difficult.

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

 False Friends are not as easy as they seem... Have a look!

  • A false friend is a word that is often confused with a word in another language with a different meaning because the two words look or sound similar. (Cambridge Dictionaries Online)

  • A false friend is a word in a language that looks or sounds similar to a word in other language but means something different. (Macmillan Dictionary)


-You have to join words in order to find the appropriate meaning.

Rope                                                   Ropa

Embarrased                                         Colegio

Contest                                               Bombero

Red carpet                                          Enviar

Eventually                                           Familiar

Success                                              Concurso

Factory                                              Avergonzado

Library                                              Alfombra

Knot                                                  Cuerda

Relative                                              Tela

Soup                                                  Éxito

Clothes                                             Carpeta

Red File                                             Finalmente

Send                                                  Biblioteca

School                                               Nudo

Firefighter                                          Jarrón

To answer                                         Sopa

Vase                                                 Contestar

If you want further information, please click here:BBC - False Friends (People's opinions)

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Let's see what you can do!

Watch this video and then give your opinion (make comments):

a) What do you think about idioms? Do you find them useful?

b) How many idioms do you know already?

c) Do you know how to say them in Spanish?

d) Do you use idioms in Spanish?

To kick the bucket

Estirar la pata (coloquial)

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Enthusiasm - Eagerness - Motivation

You have to decide which is the real meaning of these idioms:

People who have ants in their pants...

 a) really have ants in their pants.

b) are starving.

c) are very restless or excited about something.

 The term eager beaver refers to a person...

a) who is pernickety.

b) who is hardworking and enthusiastic, sometimes considered overzealous.

c) reads a lot.

   If a situation or feeling reaches fever pitch...

a) it becomes very intense and exciting.

b) you have a flu.

c) you are crazy in love.

If you put your heart (and soul) into something...

a) you are very enthusiastic and invest a lot of energy and hard work in it.

b) you are pregnant.

c) you are suffering from a broken heart.

 If you tell someone to hold your horses...

a)  you love animals, especially horses.

b) you know how to ride a horse.

c) you think they are doing something too fast and should slow down and not rush into further action.